Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I am overwhelmed by the number of people who have truly blessed me during this difficult time of losing my grandmother. I am especially grateful of the calls from people who live in different states that wanted to give me love and support. My old roommate, Janna called as well as Andy from MABTS, Dave from Mobile, and Sean who was in my Anchor group here in Louisiana but now lives in Ft Worth Tx. People here have also been amazing. My pastor really blessed me by letting me know he was praying for me and gave me Scripture to meditate on. God has really shown me how wonderful it is to not only know my pastoral leadership but really form strong relationships with them. Prayer is vital for these men and women to not only combat Satan daily and follow Christ but also to lead others to Christ and lead others in following Christ. I could have never imagined being able to work with such an amazing team such as these. For this reason and many others I consider myself truly blessed

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Heaven bound

My grandmother is now in heaven beholding the awesome glory of Christ. She died January 9, 2007. While this is hard for me-she was more of my mother because she raised me and was always there for me whether it be just to talk or give me financial help-I am content knowing that she is where she wanted to be, with her Savior. I know that she is walking on streets of gold and talking with Jesus because of her commitment to Christ. I also have peace knowing that one day I will be with her forever where there will be no pain, tears, or sorrow. Thank you Jesus for Your blood that makes it possible.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday Sermon

This Sunday, the youth minister, Lyndale preached on Inform, Connect, Build, and Serve. The two things that really impacted me were: "Life gets full, but rarely gets fulfilling." Wow! How true is that of myself. I try to stay busy to trick myself into believing that life is great. Jesus wanted us to have a fulfilling life not a full/busy life (John 10:10). The other cool thing was something I've heard friends of mine say also: "I am most like Christ when I serve other people." It was a great sermon.