Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp Highlights

I am almost totally recovered from the 2 camps I attended this summer.

360 Camp
-The bus ride is always awesome. I walked up and down the aisle talking to people and handing out food
-SOTO was as beautiful as I remembered it. I love the mountains even if they are small!
-Our small group consisted of guys and girls so that provided an interesting dynamic. My co-leaders were Lisa Dupree and Ian Brou. We made an awesome team! I love getting to know the students and see them open up as the week progresses. It brings such joy to my heart.
-Late nights were great. I failed on the leader challenge because I cannot bowl to save my life (or win the challenge...there is always next year) Our Tacky Prom was the best. It was so much better than my Senior Prom. I loved all of the crazy outfits everyone had. For me, it was a relief to not care about what we were wearing and just had fun looking silly and being crazy. That is what camp is all about.
-I got a closer look at grace while at camp; all the love and help given to me really humbled me and I truly felt the compassion from everyone.
-While at camp, I jumped off a rock and hit another rock with my knee. It was gashed open so I had to go to the ER and get stitches. I also could not put pressure on it so I had to get help to walk and other fun stuff. Everyone was willing and ready to help which I appreciated so much. (I finally took my stitches out.)
-Chris Brooks ROCKS! 'nuf said.
-The band was awesome this year.
Basically, camp was amazing.

Super Summer
-Afshin Zeafat was cool. His testimony was so inspiring. He is a converted Muslim.
-Rec was good, but I could not participate because of my knee. However, seeing everyone get all colored up and shouting cheers while running around was cool.
-I enjoyed the teaching sessions and family group times.
-My family group got a slow start but by the end if the week, we were all pretty close
-My partner was interesting.
-I was grateful to have people there who could help me with my knee situation; I say that because some tried to help and failed by dropping me and causing further injury, but it was all good.
-Overall, Super Summer was a great experience and I would love to return.