Friday, December 29, 2006


Every day I go and visit my grandmother in the hospital. Because of the stroke, she is unable to speak. She was the one family member I could just talk to. Almost every morning we would have coffee and just visit. Now, as she is just lying there in that bed, I just want to talk to her. I feel so helpless in this situation. There is nothing I can do to help her. Though I pray multiple times in the day, I still want to physically do something. I figure it is my fallen nature that tells me that in order to "deal" with this I have to "do" something about it. The truth is there is absolutely nothing I can do. The ironic part is all of my friends and church family, who have been so loving and supportive, also want to do something to help me through this. The only thing is that what I need is not something just anyone can do. Because all I really need is just to be held.

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