Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Purpose of Relationships.

During a discussion with my roommate, we talked about the purpose of relationships. I used to think that I was absurd for having a unique purpose for evey relationship; but now after talking about it I have come to the conclusion that I like the purposes of my relationships and that it is a good thing. The purpose helps me set apprpriate limits and boundaries on the relationships. I like boundaries. I find great freedom in the boundaries I set because I know how crossing certain lines can bring pain and confusion. (side note: I also like walls. I build many walls. I am very grateful for the people in my life who chose to break down those walls and truly get to know me. And of course there were people who took one look at the walls and decided it was not worth the work. Not that I blame them, I can be a difficult person.)
The purpose also gives me a guide on how to act within the relationship. For example, the purpose of my relationship with my BFF is to be the absolute best friend I can be. I need to be supportive, encouraging, loving, a good listener, available, and so forth. So every thing I do in that relationship should be in accordance with those principles. If it is not, then I am not being a true friend and I am not serving the purpose of the relationship. This concept has helped me be a better friend, daughter, sister, and Christian. I hope that all my relationships serve the most important purpose of all: to glorify Christ.

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