Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting what you need...not what you want

I'm sure I'm not the only one; but when I was younger I used to try and imagine what my life would look like when I was older. I am approaching my 27th birthday and I must say my life has not turned out like I wanted it to. I thought I would be married with kids and have a successful career. It was like most dreams I assume. This weekend God has really shown me that I have everything I NEED not want and in the end it doesn't really matter what I want.

I wanted to be married but I need Jesus who loves me more than anyone else and died to show me that love. He will never leave me or forsake me. He will never disrespect me or treat me poorly. He has my heart because He will protect it.

I wanted a successful career but true success is not measured in what you do but who you are. Am I a person who loves and gives completely to others? Do I put others before myself and serve where God wants me. Have I completely and utterly surrendered everything to Christ? I need to be successful in the eyes of Jesus not the world.

So I may not be where I wanted to be but I am so better off than I could have ever imagined.
I have an amazing church family and friends. I have a ministry to serve that will push me outside of every comfort zone I have. I have a relationship with the Creator of the universe. So, I say bring on being 27 to love more, give more, serve more, and experience life more. After all, I am single, independent, and unrestricted.

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